Radiation Leak Affecting Europe – 2017 Health Alert!

A recent study by Institute de Radioprotection et de Süreté Nucléaire shows alarmingly high levels of radioactive Iodine-131 due to an unreported radiation leak.

As reported in the study, this is a short half-life radioisotope which means the release of it was very recent. Spain north of Madrid and Poland outside of Warsaw have particularly high measurements. Where is radiation being released from?

January 2017 I-131 Measurements Across Europe

Iodine-131 is a radionuclide with a short half-life (T1/2 = 8.04 day). The detection of this radionuclide is proof of a rather recent release.

They also remind readers that they are only detecting solid particles of radioactive iodine, but the gaseous concentration is estimated to be 3 to 5 times higher. Iodine commonly rains out onto fields which are mostly consumed by animals. Cows milk is the first food source tainted by radioactive iodine, so people in these affected regions should use less.

It must be pointed out that only particulate iodine was reported. When detectable, gaseous iodine is usually dominant and can be estimated to be 3 to 5 times higher than the fraction of particulate iodine.

The researchers also noticed that radioactive lead (Pb-210) was four times higher than typical mean values. This all points to a nuclear radiation leak that has so far been unreported.

From the book Living with Radiation: Heal and Protect – A Nuclear World is some information on protecting from I-131 and other radioisotopes:

Radioactive iodine is taken up by the thyroid gland. It has a short half-life and is extremely radioactive, which make it highly dangerous in the weeks following nuclear incidents. Internal irradiation of the thyroid from radio-iodine will create early cancer clusters in 3-5 years following accidents. Thyroid cancers are skyrocketing in Japan around Fukushima, as they did after the Chernobyl incident as well. Radioactive iodine demonstrates the principle of how internal man-made radiation is different from naturally occurring radiation. There aren’t many known toxins that create cancer in less than 5 years like radioactive iodine. Iodine-131 has a radioactivity equal to 125,000 curies per gram. Compared to naturally occurring potassium-40, at 0.0000071, this is nearly 18 billion times more radioactive.

Eating Green to Protect From a Radiation Leak

Green is evidence of life and since radiation is anti-life, greens and whole foods are our best allies in this fight. These living greens take the Sun’s energy, a form of radiation, and become super-foods promoting life, vitality, and healing. All chlorophyll containing grasses, greens, and seaweeds cleanse radioactive particles and heal the body from the effects of radiation.

All vegetables are to be included in the diet, but especially the Brassicaceae, or cruciferous family of vegetables, which include kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radish, collards, watercress, turnip and Chinese cabbage. This whole family contains key sulfur compounds that protect against radiation (15, 31, 41).

Eat wheat and barley grasses, chlorella, spirulina, and wild blue-green micro-algae every day. These are alkalizing, cleansing, oxygenating and perfect at delivering vital nourishment to the entire body. These greens harmonize the body.

Find a green powder that can be easily added to water, smoothie, or juice anytime of the day to boost the green nutrition and make it easier to consume. Green powders of particular benefit include: spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass, barley grass, kamut grass, oat grass, parsley, alfalfa sprouts, other sprouts, spinach, green tea extract, flaxseed, kelp, and other sea vegetables. There are many commercially available and they serve as our green multi-vitamin and whole body tonic.

Vegetables should take center stage in your diet.  They are the key. They have both insoluble and soluble fiber to speed gastrointestinal transit, absorb radioactive particles, and promote the beneficial bacteria in the gut. They are loaded with minerals to fortify the body and cells. They have high levels and a wide variety of anti-oxidants. They also contain phytonutrients which are essentially plant adaptations to their environmental stressors, even radiation, which they can transfer to us.



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