Cellphones Cause Development, Behavior, and Health Issues in Children Exposed During Infancy

CBS News reports on how cellphones cause behavior issues in children exposed during infancy. Cellphones and cellphone radiation should not be used by or around children and infants. The developing brain is far more susceptible to radiation damage and the latest studies show that cellphones can cause certain types of brain cancers and other health issues. The earlier we are exposed to this radiation, the more likely the cancer or health issue – period.

As the article states:

For years, we’ve heard of a possible link between cell phone use and cancer. Now, this week, researchers in Baltimore say the evidence is clear, and children are more at risk.

The studies link cell phones to a slew of health issues in children. That’s why experts say parents and expecting mothers need to be extra careful.

While this news shouldn’t be new, most parents are unaware their cellphone can cause health issues in their children. For one, the developing brain is rapidly changing and cellular radiation interacts with the brain. In addition, the young child or infant doesn’t have a fully formed skull to absorb radiation, like an adult, meaning more head penetration.

Doctors say the infant brain — even while in the womb — is especially vulnerable.

The article goes on to highlight another study performed in 2012 that shows more behavior problems in children who were exposed to high amounts of cellphone radiation in utero. A co-author of that study, Dr. Hugh Taylor, stated:

‘We have shown that behavioral problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by cell phone exposure in the womb,’ said Taylor. ‘The rise in behavioral disorders in human children may be in part due to fetal cellular telephone irradiation exposure.’

Solutions to protecting your family mean not using your phone when pregnant, especially during the later stages of pregnancy when the brain is developing rapidly. Keep the phone away from the abdomen and use a head piece to provide more distance to the phone. Give up the need to be on the smartphone checking social media and check the sources in this article: you will find more and more evidence emerging that cellular radiation is damaging to children and especially infants. Mothers give up alcohol, coffee, sugar, and other foods for their developing children, and it is time to give up cellphones and excessive time in from of the smartphone.



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